Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pictures from Africa

The 2010 trip to Africa was a huge success! There were thirteen teammates that worked on some pretty exciting projects:
- repairing of a broken water well
- connecting a clean water line to the Health Clinic
- distributing 1800 LLIN (mosquito nets)
- hosting medical and dental clinics
- building a 500 roost chicken coop - a sustainable feeding program for the school
- building a swing set for the kids at the Namulonge Senior Secondary School - something they had never seen before!

Check out some of the pictures from the trip!
A water Well fixed in Namulonge, Uganda

1800 double sized LLIN (mosquito nets) were distributed - giving universal coverage to 9 villages!

Dr. Anne and Brandon hosted medical orientations for the staff at the Namulonge Health Clinic and attended to over 75 patients

Dr. Dave and Sherri trained two nurses on basic dental procedures

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Traveling Team

The Project Restore Africa team of 13 left St. Louis on November 20th. They have landed in Amsterdam and are awaiting their flight to Entebbe, Africa. Spirits are high despite the lack of sleep. The team will try to blog about their work over the next 10 days if they are able to access the internet. So stay tuned and check out their progress and hopefully some pictures!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

600 Pounds of Hope

The tweleve team members leaving for Africa this Saturday filled twelve extra suitcases PACKED with donated items . . . school supplies, shoes, swings, clothing, medical supplies, sports balls, musical instruments, thousands of bandaids and much, much more! On November 20th, the 50-lb. each bags will take 3 airplanes over 2 days to reach the people of Uganda . . . restoring hope in the lives of many hurting men, women and children in Namulonge!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Twin Echo Elementary Bandage Collection

The students at Twin Echo Elementary in Collinsville, Illinois had a busy October collecting bandages of all shapes, sizes and colors for Project Restore. They took the challenge head-on to help Project Restore collect 100,000 bandages to take to the medical clinic in Uganda this November . . . and what a dent they made! Thank you to all the administration, staff, students and parents for your kindness and generosity...what a difference you will make in the lives of thousands of hurting people!!!

one bandage at a time

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Malaria Net Goal Exceeded!

Thank you to everyone who generously donated to Project Restore's Countdown to Hope.

Together through this campaign we raised over 1000 nets!

This November we will take your nets as well as 800 more raised over the past year and distribute them to individuals in Namulonge. While our goal was to cover 80% of the village, our net count will enable us to cover every single person as well as share the additional nets with a neighboring village.

We are incredibly excited to travel to Namulonge next week and restore hope to so many people! We invite you to sign up for our e-newsletter so we can send you photos and updates of the net distribution and more when we return.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Healing Namulonge, Uganda one band-aid at a time!

Worden Elementary of Worden, IL collected bandages of all shapes, sizes and styles for a medical clinic in Namulonge, Uganda that serves over 35,000 villagers but has no bandages. Members of Worden's Student Council designed posters to display around the school to promote the collection and set a goal of 5,000 bandages. Week after week, bandages were counted and displayed on a large graph near the front of the school. At the end of week 3, the grand total was 14,120 bandages!

Mrs. Feco's 5th grade class collected the highest percentages of bandages and will receive a popcorn party to celebrate! A team with Project Restore will be taking the bandages directly to the clinic in November.

Thank you Worden! YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Jumbo Problem

The children that will die today from malaria would fill 7 jumbo jets.

Malaria is the world's single largest killer of children. In Africa, most children have no hope of preventing the disease because they do not have access to medical care.

You can't provide these children with medical care, but you can save a child from malaria. All it takes is a long-lasting insecticidal bed net. And all it costs is $5.

Donating is simple, but the impact is immeasurable. Just visit our page at Against Malaria and click "Donate Now":

Every penny of your donation will purchase nets. And every net donated will be personally distributed by Project Restore to an individual in Namulonge, Uganda this November. So far we have distributed 1300 nets to the village. If we provide 600 more during this trip we will have covered 80% of Namulonge. 80% is the magic number needed to see a dramatic decrease in the prevalence of malaria in a village. Together, we have the power to make this difference.

Please help us restore hope.

...The deadline for donations is November 1st...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Namulonge 2009

Today I wanted to share with you some photos from Project Restore's trip to Namulonge, last November. During this trip we distributed hundreds of nets to hundreds of people in the village. These photos capture the joy and hope these individuals received along with their nets. While many people in Namulonge are protected from malaria thanks to generous net donations, over 600 men, women and children in the village remain at risk. You can save a life with your donation. PLEASE DONATE AT http://www.AgainstMalaria.com/ProjectRestoreNamulonge

574 Nets to Go,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rachel's Story

One girl. One mission. 127 lives saved. Rachel's story demonstrates the power YOU have to make a difference.

For the past two years through Facebook and Twitter I have asked for mosquito nets for my birthday. Not for myself, but for the people of Namalongue Uganda, Africa.

I have always been compelled to do whatever I can to make a different in this world. Hearing through Project Restore about the need for mosquito nets and the power they have to saves lives, I was inspired.

It started with a goal of 5 mosquito nets, and that grew to 25 nets. Friends gave above and beyond anything I expected. The response was overwhelm

ing. 40 people contributed to my mosquito net drive that I held the week before my birthday for the past two years. 127 nets were purchased.

Translation, 127 lives saved by 40 heroes.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something bigger then me. Malaria is big, but the power and influence that we have within ourselves is much bigger. There is distance in the borders and in the oceans but we are all one.


Read more about malaria, our mission, and how you can restore hope at project-restore.com

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Uganda Needs You!

Project Restore's Countdown to Hope relies solely on individuals and small groups to help us reach our goal of 600 mosquito nets for Uganda by November.

If you want to make a difference but don't know how, here are a few ideas:

--> Host a party, barbecue, raffle, garage sale, auction, or other event with proceeds going toward mosquito nets.

--> Substitute a net donation for your weekly Starbucks beverage or Subway sandwich. One substitution and your bank account won't notice the difference. One substitution a week and you'll have restored hope to 7 people in desperate need.

--> Set up a change jar, and near the end of October donate your collection to the mosquito net fund.

--> Take up a collection at work. Together, you and your co-workers can restore hope.

--> Ask family and friends to sponsor your own fundraising event against malaria: a walk, a swim, a fast, a basketball shootout, whatever you want. For more ideas click here.

What have you done to restore hope? Send your stories and ideas to: info@project-restore.com and you may see them here.

For more information on the Countdown to Hope, you can now visit our website.

580 Nets to Go,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Countdown Continues...

Did you know... Malaria is the largest killer of pregnant women.

Today marks week 1 of the Countdown to Hope!

Soon you will be able to read all about our campaign to raise 600 malaria nets on our website and will see posters for the campaign up around our community.

In the meantime, we need your help to spread the word and encourage people to get involved. Heres how:

--Direct your family and friends to this blog. I will continue to post updates on the Countdown to Hope as well as share stories from individuals who have a passion for this cause.

--Join the Project Restore Facebook group and invite your friends. Members of the group will receive updates, information, stories, photos and more. Click here to join!

--Support the Countdown to Hope by RSVPing to the Facebook event (and inviting your friends of course). Click here to RSVP!

--Sign up to receive our E-NEWS letter. Click here to sign up.

--Keep an eye out for our tweets. Follow us on Twitter and receive the latest updates on the Countdown to Hope and our trip to Uganda.

--And of course, if you're able, please donate to the malaria net fund. Visit Project Restore's page at AgainstMalaria.com to donate online. Or send your donation to:
24 Ginger Creek Pkwy
Glen Carbon, IL 62034

Check back soon for our revealing of the new malaria net campaign poster!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Join the Countdown to Hope

Hi Friends,

I am Sarah, Project Restore's new Marketing/Communications intern. Today is my first day working with Project Restore, and I am really excited to begin restoring hope around the world.

Project Restore has set a goal to raise money for enough Malaria nets to cover 80% of the village of Namulonge, before our November trip to Uganda. According to
Against Malaria, when 80% of individuals in a village are covered with nets, the number of malaria cases decreases dramatically.

This summer we made great progress toward our goal, but we haven't quite reached 80%. I'd like to invite you to join me in as I work to meet our goal and raise the final 600 malaria nets. Through social media, eblasts, posters in our community, and word of mouth I am spreading the word of our endeavor. With your help I know that by November 1st we can add over 600 nets to the supply being distributed throughout Namulonge. Together we can restore health and restore hope.

How can you help?
-Help me spread the word! Invite your family and friends to follow Project Restore on Twitter and Facebook. Share our blog and website links.

-Donate to our Malaria net fund! By visiting our page at
AgainstMalaria.com you can purchase a net for only $5.

-If you are wary of making a donation online, please mail your donation to:
24 Ginger Creek Pkwy
Glen Carbon IL 62034

-Fundraise! Groups and individuals have done amazing things to help Project Restore raise money for malaria nets. We'll be sharing some of these stories with you through this blog soon. Get creative and send us your stories at info@project-restore.org.

Check back soon for updates on our Countdown to Hope.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Africa shipment Received!

The very first Project Restore donation shipment of text books, library books, school supplies, flip flops, a medical examination table, medical supplies and provisions has been delivered to the Namulonge village in Uganda Africa!

This shipment was put into the shipping container back in December 2009 in Kansas City, MO. Project Restore has developed an amazing partnership with The Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist; who ship containers full of materials to different regions of Africa. When there is additional room in one of the Holy Eucharist's containers, The Sisters will allow Project Restore to ‘piggy back’ on their Africa shipment free of charge. Thank you very much Sisters for your continued support and generosity!

The December shipment contained a variety of greatly needed supplies and provisions. Such as:
- Over 800 flip flops donated by the RENDER group of Collinsville, IL for the children at the Namulonge Primary and Senior Secondary School who are currently shoeless.
- In Namulonge, an average of 8 students’ share just one text book and this shipment will provide over 840 text and library books for the students in the Namulonge Primary and Secondary Schools. These books were made available through Budgetext Recyclers and the IL and MO school systems.
- The Holiday Inn, Alton, IL collected 12 boxes of invaluable medical supplies and provisions, 25 pairs of crutches and 2 walkers for the local Namulonge clinic. The clinic services over 35,000 people and struggles to even keep Band-Aids on hand.

Project Restore would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all of the many, many volunteers that made this shipment of donations possible for the people in Namulonge, Uganda! Thank you for those who participated in the solicitation, collecting, sorting, boxing, labeling, logging, loading and transporting all of the 143 boxes of donations, an examination table, walkers and crutches!

Project Restore would also like to thank Budget Mini Storage, Edwardsville IL, who has generously donated 2 storage units to Project Restore for the prior-to-shipping storage needs of these very vital and important donations!

Thank you everyone! What you have accomplished is truly amazing and will make a REAL difference in the lives of the families and children in Namulonge!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution helping Project Restore!

Approximately 25 individuals from CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution www.dirtyrootsrevolution.com traveled from Indiana on July 7th and spent 4 hours, sometimes in the rain, helping with Project Restore's Renewable Education Program!

In keeping with Project Restore’s core value of self reliance and sustainability, education plays a key role in breaking the cycle of poverty. Project Restore recognizes that increasing access to education must be coupled with improving the quality of education offered. If not, increasing the number of children in school may simply lead to overcrowding, lack of proper supplies, and an unproductive learning environment.

That is why Project Restore has developed The Renewable Education Program. This program helps to spread the gift of education to those who need it most! In Uganda, as in many parts of Africa, an average of seven children shares one textbook, which is often old and outdated. Through the Renewable Education Program, Illinois and Missouri schools donate their text books and library books to Renewed Education instead of recycling and shredding them. The program gives these resources a second chance at making a true difference in a child’s life!

Project Restore has secured valuable partnerships that allows the Renewable Education resources to ‘piggy back’ on available shipments to Africa at no charge to Project Restore. To-date, Project Restore has shipped close to 250 boxes of books, or approximately 3,000 books to schools in Uganda, Cameroon and South Sudan, Africa!

THANK YOU CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution in sorting, boxing, processing and labeling an additional 204 boxes for shipment and making a true difference in the lives of thousands of children in Africa! Your team was amazing and awesome!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

GHISALLO Running Store in U City, MO has donated 68 pairs of running shoes for the families in Namulonge, Uganda! Stop in or call (314) 727-4786 and tell them how AWESOME they are for supporting Project Restore! Thank you GHISALLO!

A Project Restore team, in partnership with Newsong Fellowship, is heading to Haiti June 5 -10th. The team will be working with relief efforts at the For His Glory (Maison Des Enfants De Dieu) orphanage and the surrounding community of Port au Prince, Haiti. We wish the entire team much success in their efforts and look forward to the reports of their trip upon their return.

Katie, a second-grader from Edwardsville, IL, heard about Project Restore’s work at a school assembly and was upset to learn that there were children in the world who did not have enough food to eat or milk to drink.

So, even at this young age, Katie decided to get involved and make a difference! All on her own, Katie designed and developed a fundraising program to help Project Restore’s feeding initiatives at the Namulonge Senior Secondary School in Namulonge, Uganda Africa.

Katie started a bookmarker campaign. She designed and sold over 200 bookmarkers and raised $1,000 to buy a milk cow for the Namulonge SS School’s lunch program. She sold her bookmarkers to friends, neighbors, family and even got the opportunity to speak and receive support from the Edwardsville Goshen Rotary club and her church, Newsong Fellowship.

It is Project Restore’s great honor to announce that Katie’s cow was bought from one of the farmers from the village, and was delivered to the Namulonge SS School! When Katie heard the news she said, “I am very happy that kids like me will have milk to drink because everyone knows kids need milk to stay healthy.”

However, Katie is not done! She has already raised an additional $300 to purchase a second milk cow for the school! Project Restore commends her great efforts and selflessness for the children of Namulonge!

Way to go Katie!!

Did you know a visit to a dentist saves lives?

Ginger Creek Dental, located in Edwardsville, IL, is partnering with Project Restore and has generously agreed to donate 30% of its profit to Project Restore for on-going financial support! * 100% of those donations will go directly to Project Restore’s projects that help relieve the suffering and oppression that overwhelms individuals and communities around the globe while advocating self reliance and self sustainability.

Whether you need routine dental care, orthodontics for you or your child, or surgical care including dental implants, you’ll find that Ginger Creek has competitive rates and a staff of doctors and assistants who are ready to assist you! No other dental office in our community is as committed to providing your family with such outstanding and comprehensive care AND the knowledge that your family’s dental health will also make a life-changing difference for someone else half way around the world!

So call today, get your teeth cleaned and help us save lives! (618) 692.1110

*Gifted when over set standard monthly collections.

Alton Middle School's National Junior Honor Society involves over 100 students across the school campus who come together to make a difference at their school, in their community and beyond. That is why they chose to help Project Restore raise money to buy Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Malaria Nets (LLIN) to help the families and children in Namulonge, Uganda fight Malaria.

The honor students spent a week visiting classrooms and educating their peers on the threat of Malaria, pointing out that it kills 1-3 million people each year, 70% of them are children under 5 years old and that Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease.

Project Restore provided the students with visual aides, stickers, and even a real Malaria Net to help them with their efforts. The honor students visited over 50 classrooms and raised over 700 dollars! That is enough for at least 140 nets!

A World Vision report states that to have an effective reduction of the Malaria disease on a population, there needs to be at least 80% bed net coverage for the community. In the village of Namulonge, Uganda, Project Restore is half way to that goal and has already distributed 1,300 (LLIN). With Alton Middle School’s AWESOME efforts Project Restore is 140 nets closer to a positive reduction to this devastating disease in Namulonge! Thank you Alton Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society! You are making a real difference, because NO child should die from a mosquito bite. Way to go!!

Project Restore recently visited a group of 3rd graders at WolfRidge Elementary, Bunker Hill, IL and discussed the many differences between the United States and Uganda, Africa cultures. Jan Miller and Catherine Keck spoke to the children and had hands-on activities for the children to understand the difficult struggles of the people in Uganda; from lack of clean water, starvation, to the need for a strong education and health care systems.

The third graders were currently reading the story Beatrice's Goat by Paige McBrier. This biographical tale is the story of a young girl in Uganda who longs to go to school but her family is too poor to send her. Beatrice's mother soon learns the family is to receive the gift of a goat from "some kindhearted people from far away". The family's future is changed and they are able to sell the goats milk, repair their hut's roof and send Beatrice to school.

The children were very engaged in the assembly and asked many intriguing questions about the life of an African student. After the presentation, the WolfRidge Elementary children felt motivated to help Project Restore in their hunger relief programs. The children held a coin collection rally and raised enough money to buy 2 goats for the Namulonge Senior Secondary School lunch program!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hunger is the single greatest threat to the world's public health. The WHO also states that malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality and currently affects more than one billion people, or 1 in 6 people on the planet. However in Namulonge, Project Restore’s feeding program has made significant inroads in eliminating hunger and malnutrition for the students at the Namulonge SS School with purchases of milk cows, pigs, and now two additional goats!

Thank you WolfRidge Elementary for your innate sense of empathy for the world around you! You are a true inspiration to us all and YOU are the ‘kindhearted people from far away’!

Friday, April 30, 2010

One Girl Made A Difference!

Katie, second-grader, Edwardsville, IL, designed and developed a fundraising program to help Project Restore’s feeding initiatives at the Namulonge Senior Secondary School in Namulonge, Uganda Africa.

Katie heard about Project Restore’s work at a school assembly and she was upset to learn that there were children in the world who did not have enough food to eat or milk to drink.

Even at this young age, Katie decided to get involved and make a difference!

Katie started a bookmarker campaign. She designed and sold over 200 bookmarkers and raised $1,000 to buy a milk cow for the Namulonge SS School’s lunch program. She sold her bookmarkers to friends, neighbors, family and even got the opportunity to speak and receive support from the Edwardsville Goshen Rotary club and her church, Newsong Fellowship.

It is Project Restore’s great honor to announce that Katie’s cow was bought from a local farmer this week and delivered to the Namulonge SS School! When Katie heard the news she said, “I am very happy that kids like me will have milk to drink because everyone knows kids need milk to stay healthy.’

However, Katie is not done! She has already raised an additional $300 to purchase a second milk cow for the school! Project Restore commends her great efforts and selflessness for the children of Namulonge!

Way to go Katie!!

If you would like to support Katie’s cause and purchase a bookmarker, all one-of-a-kind and personally designed by Katie, please e-mail info@project-restore.org

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Local Dentist Supports Project Restore

Project Restore is proud to announce and welcome Ginger Creek Dental, of Glen Carbon, IL, as a supporter. Ginger Creek Dental is a full service dentist office and is committed to giving back to local charities.

The dentist office is donating 30% percentage of its reveune to Project Restore. This financial support will allow Project Restore to make greater strides in making living more than just surviving in Namulonge and other communities around the globe.

You could show your support for Project Restore by simply going to the dentist! Please consider Ginger Creek Dental for your dentistry needs. They can be reached at (618)692-1110.

Monday, March 22, 2010

World Water Day

World Water Crisis

The world water crisis is one of the largest public health issues facing humanity today. Of the nearly 7 billion people on earth, roughly 1.1 billion lack access to clean, safe drinking water. It’s estimated that insufficient clean water accounts for 2.5 million deaths per year–90% of which are children under 5 years old.

Today we pause to think about those who lack access to clean water. We take time to engage in conversation about the problem, and most importantly, the solution.

But the water crisis facing this world is bigger than one day of conversation.

Join our ongoing discussion at

On May 22, 2010 Project Restore will host it's 3rd annual Walk4Water.

We will walk. So they don't have to.

For more information, or to register go to


Follow us on Twitter

Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiti Orphanage on CNN

For His Glory Orphanage is an orphanage in Port au Prince Haiti that cares for an average of 125-130 children and a partner of Project Restore.

Anderson Cooper has invited Pierre, the director of For His Glory Orphanage, to be on the Haiti Telethon on CNN tonight!!!

Check it out!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Project Restore Friends,

Project Restore is heartbroken by the news of the massive 7.0 earthquake that struck west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The death toll range is estimated to be as high as 500,000. A Washington DC journalist writes “The dead decomposing bodies are everywhere. Big buildings fell. Entire villages have disappeared, Just piles of rubble. Just massive devastation.”

Hospitals, schools and government offices are destroyed. The country’s infrastructure has been decimated. Families have lost their homes, along with everything they own. Hundreds of thousands are living without shelter, water, food, security and any of the basic needs for survival. Project Restore is compelled to join in this fight to help relieve the suffering and misery in Haiti. Our commitment to Haiti extends beyond our immediate response to this disaster. We ask that you run this race alongside us! We encourage everyone to continue to watch the news, get the facts, pray and take action!

YOU have an opportunity to make a difference in Haiti!

There are several ways you can get involved. Project Restore has partnerships with three organizations that are in-country. We want to help raise responsiveness and funding for their efforts. Our Haiti partners are;

Honor and Respect Foundation of Haiti- Is a foundation chartered to raise awareness and financial support for grassroots groups based in poor communities in Haiti dedicated to achieving social justice, universal education, participatory democracy and economic self-sufficiency. Honor and Respect Foundation has set up a triage hospital at Matthew 25 house in Delmas 33. Your financial gift will go towards purchasing medical supplies and medication.

For His Glory Orphanage - Is an orphanage in Haiti that cares for an average of 125-130 children. The orphanage has sustained structural damage and due to the rising death toll in Haiti, FHG anticipates a growing population of orphans. Your gift will help provide emergency relief for the children, staff and the surrounding community and assistance in the construction to restore the damaged building to become a future home for those newly orphaned.

International Crisis Aid (ICA)- Has a mission to assist in sustaining life, bring encouragement to those suffering and collaborate with other relief organizations in bringing necessary foods, materials and medicines to people in times of crisis, particularly where life and death situations exist. Your financial gift will help ICA set up one or more refugee camps and a large triage medical clinic in Carre Four, Haiti, at the epicenter of the earthquake.

To help Project Restore support these organizations continue to bring life saving support to the children and people of Haiti, please visit our website and designate your gift on this page:


Against Malaria Foundation - an organization that raises awareness of the malaria disease and distributes long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets (LLINs) to those in need. Malaria, already a problem in Haiti, is likely to increase significantly due to there being little to stop transmission. AMF has set up a specific donation page for Haiti. 100% of funds donated on this page will buy nets for Haiti and AMF will coordinate with the relevant authorities and partners to ensure the nets are distributed as soon as possible when they are needed, where they are needed.

Show Your Heart to Haiti – At just six years old, Annabelle was moved to immense compassion after seeing the coverage of the Haiti’s earthquake on TV. She wanted to help! She wanted to make a difference! Annabelle, along with her friend Kaytlin, have made, and they are now selling, homemade Pixy Stix Valentines. Their slogan is "Show Your Heart to Haiti." Annabelle is selling her Valentines for any monetary donation amount. Orders can be taken through her mother at mellahr@gmail.com. Don’t forget your child’s classroom Valentine parties! They are accepting large orders!

What about Donated Goods? Haiti’s infrastructure for delivery and distribution of donated goods has been shattered. Project Restore will be collecting goods at a later date, once the situation has been stabilized.

Is there a team going to Haiti? At this point Project Restore is holding off on trying to get a team to Haiti. We are identifying places where our volunteers could be inserted to do the most good without increasing the pressure for food and water in the capital. We want to be strategic about where our team(s) could go and when, making sure that we can really help and not be a burden or in danger. If you are interested in the possibility of traveling with Project Restore to Haiti, should a trip be organized, please contact info@project-restore.org

Please help us and our partners rebuild Haiti from the rubble! YOUR generous support will initiate change and help make a real difference in thousands of individuals’ lives in Haiti.

The Project Restore Board of Directors


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Show your heart to Haiti! 2 young Project Restore heroes take the initiative to help those in need in Haiti. Selling valentines @ walmart to raise money for PR's Haiti relief efforts!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Project Restore fixed this Buso, Uganda water well in 11/09

Monday, January 4, 2010

November 2009 Mosquito Net distribution in Buso, Uganda! Thank you for your support!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


On behalf of Project Restore, Inc. and the village of Namulonge, Buso and Kasambia, Uganda, we would like to thank you ALL for your generous support and financial gifts in 2009! Through your dedication, Project Restore was able to advance its self reliance and sustainability work and bring some relief and hope in many amazing ways.

This year Project Restore was able to;
- Distribute 900 long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets. Bringing the total of nets distributed to 1,300!
- Collected and shipped over 80 baby blankets, 12 pairs of crutches, 2 walkers, 15 boxes and 5 suitcases of supplies and provisions for the local Namulonge clinic!
- 120 boxes of school books, library books and school supplies were shipped to the Namulonge Senior Secondary School!
- Along with the piggery that was started in 2008, 1 milking cow and 5 goats were purchased for the Namulonge SS School’s lunch program!
- 3 fresh water wells were repaired in the villages of Buso and Kasambia, Uganda! Bringing the total water wells repaired to 4!
- 2 additional Buso schools were outfitted with the rain harvesting systems. Bringing the number of schools with working full systems to 3! With the two long rainy seasons in Uganda, capturing the rain water off the roofs is a huge asset for the communities!
- One trombone, guitar, clarinet, flute and 31 recorders were donated to the Namulonge School’s music program!
- 62 students were sponsored for the matched savings account program, Ambition for Tuition!

THANK YOU again for joining us in restoring some peace, hope and love to those in need. Because.... Living SHOULD Be More Than Just Surviving.... and YOUR support has initiated change and helped make a real difference in thousands of individuals’ lives in Namulonge, Buso, Kasambia and surrounding areas in Uganda!

Project Restore will continue its life-saving interventions for Namulonge, Buso, Kasambia, Uganda and communities around the world. We hope you too will continue to join us in this fight!

Catherine Keck
Executive Director