Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Namulonge 2009

Today I wanted to share with you some photos from Project Restore's trip to Namulonge, last November. During this trip we distributed hundreds of nets to hundreds of people in the village. These photos capture the joy and hope these individuals received along with their nets. While many people in Namulonge are protected from malaria thanks to generous net donations, over 600 men, women and children in the village remain at risk. You can save a life with your donation. PLEASE DONATE AT

574 Nets to Go,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rachel's Story

One girl. One mission. 127 lives saved. Rachel's story demonstrates the power YOU have to make a difference.

For the past two years through Facebook and Twitter I have asked for mosquito nets for my birthday. Not for myself, but for the people of Namalongue Uganda, Africa.

I have always been compelled to do whatever I can to make a different in this world. Hearing through Project Restore about the need for mosquito nets and the power they have to saves lives, I was inspired.

It started with a goal of 5 mosquito nets, and that grew to 25 nets. Friends gave above and beyond anything I expected. The response was overwhelm

ing. 40 people contributed to my mosquito net drive that I held the week before my birthday for the past two years. 127 nets were purchased.

Translation, 127 lives saved by 40 heroes.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something bigger then me. Malaria is big, but the power and influence that we have within ourselves is much bigger. There is distance in the borders and in the oceans but we are all one.


Read more about malaria, our mission, and how you can restore hope at

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Uganda Needs You!

Project Restore's Countdown to Hope relies solely on individuals and small groups to help us reach our goal of 600 mosquito nets for Uganda by November.

If you want to make a difference but don't know how, here are a few ideas:

--> Host a party, barbecue, raffle, garage sale, auction, or other event with proceeds going toward mosquito nets.

--> Substitute a net donation for your weekly Starbucks beverage or Subway sandwich. One substitution and your bank account won't notice the difference. One substitution a week and you'll have restored hope to 7 people in desperate need.

--> Set up a change jar, and near the end of October donate your collection to the mosquito net fund.

--> Take up a collection at work. Together, you and your co-workers can restore hope.

--> Ask family and friends to sponsor your own fundraising event against malaria: a walk, a swim, a fast, a basketball shootout, whatever you want. For more ideas click here.

What have you done to restore hope? Send your stories and ideas to: and you may see them here.

For more information on the Countdown to Hope, you can now visit our website.

580 Nets to Go,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Countdown Continues...

Did you know... Malaria is the largest killer of pregnant women.

Today marks week 1 of the Countdown to Hope!

Soon you will be able to read all about our campaign to raise 600 malaria nets on our website and will see posters for the campaign up around our community.

In the meantime, we need your help to spread the word and encourage people to get involved. Heres how:

--Direct your family and friends to this blog. I will continue to post updates on the Countdown to Hope as well as share stories from individuals who have a passion for this cause.

--Join the Project Restore Facebook group and invite your friends. Members of the group will receive updates, information, stories, photos and more. Click here to join!

--Support the Countdown to Hope by RSVPing to the Facebook event (and inviting your friends of course). Click here to RSVP!

--Sign up to receive our E-NEWS letter. Click here to sign up.

--Keep an eye out for our tweets. Follow us on Twitter and receive the latest updates on the Countdown to Hope and our trip to Uganda.

--And of course, if you're able, please donate to the malaria net fund. Visit Project Restore's page at to donate online. Or send your donation to:
24 Ginger Creek Pkwy
Glen Carbon, IL 62034

Check back soon for our revealing of the new malaria net campaign poster!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Join the Countdown to Hope

Hi Friends,

I am Sarah, Project Restore's new Marketing/Communications intern. Today is my first day working with Project Restore, and I am really excited to begin restoring hope around the world.

Project Restore has set a goal to raise money for enough Malaria nets to cover 80% of the village of Namulonge, before our November trip to Uganda. According to
Against Malaria, when 80% of individuals in a village are covered with nets, the number of malaria cases decreases dramatically.

This summer we made great progress toward our goal, but we haven't quite reached 80%. I'd like to invite you to join me in as I work to meet our goal and raise the final 600 malaria nets. Through social media, eblasts, posters in our community, and word of mouth I am spreading the word of our endeavor. With your help I know that by November 1st we can add over 600 nets to the supply being distributed throughout Namulonge. Together we can restore health and restore hope.

How can you help?
-Help me spread the word! Invite your family and friends to follow Project Restore on Twitter and Facebook. Share our blog and website links.

-Donate to our Malaria net fund! By visiting our page at you can purchase a net for only $5.

-If you are wary of making a donation online, please mail your donation to:
24 Ginger Creek Pkwy
Glen Carbon IL 62034

-Fundraise! Groups and individuals have done amazing things to help Project Restore raise money for malaria nets. We'll be sharing some of these stories with you through this blog soon. Get creative and send us your stories at

Check back soon for updates on our Countdown to Hope.
