Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alton Middle School's National Junior Honor Society involves over 100 students across the school campus who come together to make a difference at their school, in their community and beyond. That is why they chose to help Project Restore raise money to buy Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Malaria Nets (LLIN) to help the families and children in Namulonge, Uganda fight Malaria.

The honor students spent a week visiting classrooms and educating their peers on the threat of Malaria, pointing out that it kills 1-3 million people each year, 70% of them are children under 5 years old and that Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease.

Project Restore provided the students with visual aides, stickers, and even a real Malaria Net to help them with their efforts. The honor students visited over 50 classrooms and raised over 700 dollars! That is enough for at least 140 nets!

A World Vision report states that to have an effective reduction of the Malaria disease on a population, there needs to be at least 80% bed net coverage for the community. In the village of Namulonge, Uganda, Project Restore is half way to that goal and has already distributed 1,300 (LLIN). With Alton Middle School’s AWESOME efforts Project Restore is 140 nets closer to a positive reduction to this devastating disease in Namulonge! Thank you Alton Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society! You are making a real difference, because NO child should die from a mosquito bite. Way to go!!

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