Thursday, July 8, 2010

CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution helping Project Restore!

Approximately 25 individuals from CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution traveled from Indiana on July 7th and spent 4 hours, sometimes in the rain, helping with Project Restore's Renewable Education Program!

In keeping with Project Restore’s core value of self reliance and sustainability, education plays a key role in breaking the cycle of poverty. Project Restore recognizes that increasing access to education must be coupled with improving the quality of education offered. If not, increasing the number of children in school may simply lead to overcrowding, lack of proper supplies, and an unproductive learning environment.

That is why Project Restore has developed The Renewable Education Program. This program helps to spread the gift of education to those who need it most! In Uganda, as in many parts of Africa, an average of seven children shares one textbook, which is often old and outdated. Through the Renewable Education Program, Illinois and Missouri schools donate their text books and library books to Renewed Education instead of recycling and shredding them. The program gives these resources a second chance at making a true difference in a child’s life!

Project Restore has secured valuable partnerships that allows the Renewable Education resources to ‘piggy back’ on available shipments to Africa at no charge to Project Restore. To-date, Project Restore has shipped close to 250 boxes of books, or approximately 3,000 books to schools in Uganda, Cameroon and South Sudan, Africa!

THANK YOU CCUMC Youth and Dirty Roots Revolution in sorting, boxing, processing and labeling an additional 204 boxes for shipment and making a true difference in the lives of thousands of children in Africa! Your team was amazing and awesome!

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