Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Katie, a second-grader from Edwardsville, IL, heard about Project Restore’s work at a school assembly and was upset to learn that there were children in the world who did not have enough food to eat or milk to drink.

So, even at this young age, Katie decided to get involved and make a difference! All on her own, Katie designed and developed a fundraising program to help Project Restore’s feeding initiatives at the Namulonge Senior Secondary School in Namulonge, Uganda Africa.

Katie started a bookmarker campaign. She designed and sold over 200 bookmarkers and raised $1,000 to buy a milk cow for the Namulonge SS School’s lunch program. She sold her bookmarkers to friends, neighbors, family and even got the opportunity to speak and receive support from the Edwardsville Goshen Rotary club and her church, Newsong Fellowship.

It is Project Restore’s great honor to announce that Katie’s cow was bought from one of the farmers from the village, and was delivered to the Namulonge SS School! When Katie heard the news she said, “I am very happy that kids like me will have milk to drink because everyone knows kids need milk to stay healthy.”

However, Katie is not done! She has already raised an additional $300 to purchase a second milk cow for the school! Project Restore commends her great efforts and selflessness for the children of Namulonge!

Way to go Katie!!

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