Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Jumbo Problem

The children that will die today from malaria would fill 7 jumbo jets.

Malaria is the world's single largest killer of children. In Africa, most children have no hope of preventing the disease because they do not have access to medical care.

You can't provide these children with medical care, but you can save a child from malaria. All it takes is a long-lasting insecticidal bed net. And all it costs is $5.

Donating is simple, but the impact is immeasurable. Just visit our page at Against Malaria and click "Donate Now":

Every penny of your donation will purchase nets. And every net donated will be personally distributed by Project Restore to an individual in Namulonge, Uganda this November. So far we have distributed 1300 nets to the village. If we provide 600 more during this trip we will have covered 80% of Namulonge. 80% is the magic number needed to see a dramatic decrease in the prevalence of malaria in a village. Together, we have the power to make this difference.

Please help us restore hope.
...The deadline for donations is November 1st...
