Tuesday, July 28, 2009

T-shirt around the world – WE ARE NOW IN BUDAPEST, HUNGARY!!! Thank you Dawn Gockel-Jones! Project Restore is now in 13 Countries!! Project Restore is embarking on its own amazing journey around the globe …. In comfort and style! We are trying to get a Project Restore t-shirt in as many international countries as possible! Project Restore has shirts in the UK, Russia, Saipan, Uganda, Haiti, Germany, India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Korea, Zambia and Thailand! Join the fun! Send a PR shirt to a friend, relative or fan and then let us know!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The August Namulonge Uganda mosquito net distribution challenge has a total of 378 nets so far!

YOU can make a HUGE life changing difference for only $4! Please help us give hope and health to individuals who are threatened on a daily basis with the disease of Malaria. Please take a minute and change a life!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

AFRICA – The team traveling to Namulonge, Uganda this August will be taking supplies with them for the Namulonge Primary and Secondary Schools, the village clinic and the village residents.

YOU CAN HELP by donating some of the desperately needed items!

Some items of need are: basic medical supplies (children's Tylenol, Band-Aids, diarrhea medicine, antibacterial cream ...) Calculators, Pens, Pencils, good working condition laptops, Math Sets (consists of a ruler, 180 degree protractor, triangles(s) and a pencil compass), Hotel size hygiene items, candy, small games, toys, soccer balls, gifts for villagers (lotions, candles, scarves, fragrant soap, sports memorabilia .. )

Donations can be dropped off at the Project Restore office:
201 St. Louis St.
Edwardsville, IL

Or financial support for the supply purchases can be made on-line at https://www.mysimplegive.com/SG/sfDonate.jspx?uq=1247583106435&id=RESTORE. In the 'EVENT' line, type the word 'SUPPLIES'.

100% of the financial support donated for supplies will go to purchasing needed items for the village.

Any donations would be genuinely appreciated!
Malaria Net count is up to 362 for the August 09 distribution in Namulonge, Uganda!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Project Restore's Uganda Malaria Net campaign update is 224 nets! Take a min, save a life for just $4 http://www.project-restore.org/savealife A Project Restore team was in the village of Namulonge, Uganda last November and distributed 400 long lasting insecticide treated Mosquito nets to the villagers. We will again be returning to Namulonge on August 2-11th 2009 to distribute the Mosquito nets that we are now collecting! Make a difference and give a gift of life!
Project Restore's Uganda Malaria Net campaign update is 224 nets! Take a min, save a life for just $4 http://www.project-restore.org/savealife A Project Restore team was in the village of Namulonge, Uganda last November and distributed 400 long lasting insecticide treated Mosquito nets to the villagers. We will again be returning to Namulonge on August 2-11th 2009 to distribute the Mosquito nets that we are now collecting! Make a difference and give a gift of life!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The power of one 13 year old boy! Xavier raised $136 or 34 nets for Project Restore’s Namulonge August mosquito net distribution campaign!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Malaria kills 1 million people every year.

But these deaths are totally preventable. Just $4 can provide a life-saving net and make a world of difference to villagers in Namulonge.

Our goal is to provide 80% of the village with nets. How awesome would it be to provide the village with 2400 nets in 24 days!

Visit http://www.project-restore.org/savealife make a donation and save a life.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Live a life that inspires!
Why Project Restore has joined in the fight for Namulonge Uganda http://bit.ly/RJXcF