Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Africa – A thank you from the Namulonge Secondary School Head Master –
Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings in the name of our living and loving God. We thank God for the gift of life He has given to you and to us.

We thank Him for giving you a safe journey back home. We miss you a lot! On behalf of Namulonge Secondary School, Namulonge Primary School and the entire community of Namulonge, I wish to thank you for the time and resources you spared to pay us a visit and for everything you did and continue to do for us. It is not common to find that someone leaves his/her home and travels that very long and expensive journey to, not only visit, but also help other people. We are so grateful to you all for that very great love you have always given to us.

We wish to thank all those who made it here. We appreciate that great love and friendship you give to us. We thank all those individuals, families, schools, companies and organizations for all their contributions both financially and in material form to make this happen. We are very grateful for all the donations we received as a school and as a community. The donation of 600 mosquito nets was so awesome. You did not only save 600 lives but more since some of the beneficiaries were mothers who share beds with their babies. You made a mark which will last for ever in many peoples lives. Many of our students/pupils and teachers now have the chance to see, touch and use a computer for the first time in their lives. We appreciate the efforts of everyone who was behind this initiative. (the McBride family) We are grateful for the balls, textbooks, bibles, dictionaries and that very wide range of school supplies – math sets, pencils, pens, rulers, crayons etc.

We enjoyed every bit of your company. It was so interesting to see you running about and playing with the kids. Some kids say their best time of the year is when you are here. We can't enumerate everything you did for us, but just know it that whatever you did/contributed is greatly appreciated.

We are grateful to you for the EMSA (educational matched savings account student sponsor program). I wish to let you know that the teachers, students/pupils, parents and the entire community is very excited about the EMSA program. We pray that God guides everyone involved such that everything goes as planned.

Lastly, we pray that God blesses you all with many more years of life so that you will be able to see the fruits of what you have started. We look forward to continue working with you for the good of our community and the entire human race. LONG LIVE PROJECT-RESTORE, LONG LIVE EVERYONE.
God bless you all.
Mayanja Robert David.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

T-shirt around the world – WE ARE NOW IN BUDAPEST, HUNGARY!!! Thank you Dawn Gockel-Jones! Project Restore is now in 13 Countries!! Project Restore is embarking on its own amazing journey around the globe …. In comfort and style! We are trying to get a Project Restore t-shirt in as many international countries as possible! Project Restore has shirts in the UK, Russia, Saipan, Uganda, Haiti, Germany, India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Korea, Zambia and Thailand! Join the fun! Send a PR shirt to a friend, relative or fan and then let us know!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The August Namulonge Uganda mosquito net distribution challenge has a total of 378 nets so far!

YOU can make a HUGE life changing difference for only $4! Please help us give hope and health to individuals who are threatened on a daily basis with the disease of Malaria. Please take a minute and change a life!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

AFRICA – The team traveling to Namulonge, Uganda this August will be taking supplies with them for the Namulonge Primary and Secondary Schools, the village clinic and the village residents.

YOU CAN HELP by donating some of the desperately needed items!

Some items of need are: basic medical supplies (children's Tylenol, Band-Aids, diarrhea medicine, antibacterial cream ...) Calculators, Pens, Pencils, good working condition laptops, Math Sets (consists of a ruler, 180 degree protractor, triangles(s) and a pencil compass), Hotel size hygiene items, candy, small games, toys, soccer balls, gifts for villagers (lotions, candles, scarves, fragrant soap, sports memorabilia .. )

Donations can be dropped off at the Project Restore office:
201 St. Louis St.
Edwardsville, IL

Or financial support for the supply purchases can be made on-line at https://www.mysimplegive.com/SG/sfDonate.jspx?uq=1247583106435&id=RESTORE. In the 'EVENT' line, type the word 'SUPPLIES'.

100% of the financial support donated for supplies will go to purchasing needed items for the village.

Any donations would be genuinely appreciated!
Malaria Net count is up to 362 for the August 09 distribution in Namulonge, Uganda!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Project Restore's Uganda Malaria Net campaign update is 224 nets! Take a min, save a life for just $4 http://www.project-restore.org/savealife A Project Restore team was in the village of Namulonge, Uganda last November and distributed 400 long lasting insecticide treated Mosquito nets to the villagers. We will again be returning to Namulonge on August 2-11th 2009 to distribute the Mosquito nets that we are now collecting! Make a difference and give a gift of life!
Project Restore's Uganda Malaria Net campaign update is 224 nets! Take a min, save a life for just $4 http://www.project-restore.org/savealife A Project Restore team was in the village of Namulonge, Uganda last November and distributed 400 long lasting insecticide treated Mosquito nets to the villagers. We will again be returning to Namulonge on August 2-11th 2009 to distribute the Mosquito nets that we are now collecting! Make a difference and give a gift of life!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The power of one 13 year old boy! Xavier raised $136 or 34 nets for Project Restore’s Namulonge August mosquito net distribution campaign!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Malaria kills 1 million people every year.

But these deaths are totally preventable. Just $4 can provide a life-saving net and make a world of difference to villagers in Namulonge.

Our goal is to provide 80% of the village with nets. How awesome would it be to provide the village with 2400 nets in 24 days!

Visit http://www.project-restore.org/savealife make a donation and save a life.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Live a life that inspires!
Why Project Restore has joined in the fight for Namulonge Uganda http://bit.ly/RJXcF

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Walk for Water 2009

Project Restore's second annual Walk for Water was a HUGE success! The day was just beautiful with over 250 walkers who raised over $15k for Project Restore's clean water efforts! And of course, we could not have had this extraordinary event without all the hard work and dedication from our excellent volunteers! A heartfelt shout-out to all those who made this day a victory for the people of Namulonge, Uganda!

Peace and love always,

If you were not able to participate in the Walk for Water and you would still like to support the clean water cause, you can do so by going to: https://www.mysimplegive.com/SG/sfDonate.jspx?uq=1242746267539&id=RESTORE

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let the Story Continue.....

Dear Project Restore Friends and fellow advocates,

I am delighted to share with you that this blog is going to continue! We at project Restore would like share and receive thoughts, ideas, stories and opportunities of taking meaningful action for those suffering from poverty, disease, illiteracy and exploitation.

In the upcoming months, you will hear from different members of the Project Restore board as well as from our very dedicated members, partners and colleagues. Today, I want to throw out an invitation for YOU to join the story! We would love to hear from you! Your experiences, your questions and your thought process of Project Restore, our work, our causes, and of fighting for justice and speaking out for the vulnerable children and their families here and around the world!

If you'd rather not post it here, you are always more than welcome to e-mail me at Catherine.Keck@Project-Restore.org . Either way, I hope you'll enter the Project Restore story and TOGETHER we can help bring clean water, nourishment, comfort, hope and love to those in need!

Because…Living SHOULD be more than just SURVIVING!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Catherine Keck
Executive Director, Project Restore Inc.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank You from Namulonge

Project Restore received an e-mail from Mayanja Robert David, the Namulonge Secondary School's head master, thanking us for the November trip to Uganda. I wanted to share his words with you! I have copied his e-mail below.

Greetings in the name of our Lord. We thank God for the gift of life and for giving you a safe journey to Namulonge and back to your home country.

On behalf of the people of Namulonge and the secondary school in particular, I wish to extend to you our heartfelt gratitude for the visit you paid to us. We are so grateful for all the assistance you extended to our school and the community in general. You left Namulonge a changed place with revived hope.

We are grateful to everyone who made that trip and to all those who helped to make this happen. We shall always remember your kindness, love and willingness to help.
We thank you for the many gifts you brought for us, the science equipment, textbooks, that very big water tank, the mosquito nets, balls, basketball court(sp), sandals, the piggery project and the very many school supplies. There is no way we can express our appreciation for the bore hole (well) which has brought back alot of life to the people of Namulonge. Infact many people have been referring to the repair of that borehole as a 'Christmas gift of their life'.
You did so many things, the list is endless, but just know that you touched the lives of so many in our community.

As a school, the benefits from your visit can't be counted. Your conversations, discussions, guidance and words of encouragement and advice have touched many of our students. You created alot of determination to many of them. Your stay with our students gave them a very good experience. To be sincere, many of them can now speak better English than before because they gained confidence through your sharing with them.

On the part of teachers, we have learnt alot from you. We have admired the way you associate with the students. It was really a good learning experience for us. We have also learnt that despitethe many hardship we go through, there are people out there who can think about us. God is great!

All in all, I don't have the right words to thank you but I pray to the living God to reward each of you in the best way you would wish. A big thank you to Project-Restore and all those companies, schools and individuals who made this happen. We thank God enabling everything happen because we know that nothing can happen unless it is by His wish.

God bless you all.

Mayanja Robert David.